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Information for investors who want to open a restaurant in Hungary
Those who choose to open a restaurant in Hungary need to be very well informed about the country’s rules and regulations regarding establishments that store and sell food and/or alcoholic beverages for clients. These types of businesses need to make additional efforts to ensure food quality and safety.
Our company registration experts in Hungary can help you establish a legal entity that operates as a restaurant or catering company and observe all the requirements for these types of companies. Moreover, our partner lawyers in Hungary can give you detailed information about the guidelines presented in the Hungarian Foodstuff Code.
Food safety in Hungary
A restaurant in Hungary must operate according to the mandatory regulations of the Hungarian Foodstuff Code and engage in all and any required procedures for marketing or delivering foodstuffs. Restaurants will need to perform internal inspections and a verification and they will need to comply with the requirements for inspections from relevant Hungarian authorities.
The Hungarian Food Codex is an important legislative document that presents the regulations for enforcing the quality control on foodstuffs. Any restaurant, cafe or fast-food place in Hungary must have adequate conditions for storing, preparing and selling foodstuffs and must also have the required permits and licenses for selling alcohol. Chefs in Hungary need to be accredited.
The Hungarian Food Safety Office works in accordance with the EU requirements and it is the partner institution of the European Food Safety Authority. The supervision of the food chain sector falls under the attributes of this regulatory agency.
Hungarian cuisine
Investors in Hungary can open an international restaurant but local investors will usually choose to honor the local cuisine and the famous Hungarian dishes. Goulash is perhaps the best known dish traditionally prepared with paprika and served as a stew or sometimes as a soup. The Hungarians mix a variety of meats and their cuisine is hearty and fulfilling.
If you are interested in opening a hotel in Hungary that has a restaurant you will also need to obtain the necessary permits for this type of establishment.
Our company registration experts in Hungary can help you if you want to open a business in other areas like tourism or services.
After the registration process is completed and the restaurant starts operating, you can request the services of our accounting firm in Hungary, who can maintain all the financial documents of your business.
Our accountants will also be responsible with submitting income tax reports, submit VAT returns, calculate any tax minimization or deductions the company can be entitled to, etc.